Why perform corneal cross-linking at the slit lamp?
CXL at the slit lamp may provide access to all. Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Europe April 2017: ELZA member and EMAGine CEO Nikki Hafezi describes
Nikki Hafezi was born near Seattle and raised in Southern California. She has her bachelor’s degree from UCLA (Los Angeles, CA) and her master’s degree in intellectual property from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich.
In 2015, Mrs. Hafezi was voted by peers onto the global “PowerList – Top 40 under 40 (years)”, a list of the “young, up-and-coming individuals set to rise to the top of the field.” Mrs. Hafezi was one of only six females listed and one of two nominees only representing the industry.
Farhad Hafezi is a swiss eye surgeon and researcher. Hafezi is internationally recognized as a pioneer of corneal cross-linking (CXL) for treating keratoconus and a pacemaker in translating CXL principles to new applications like infectious keratitis.
In 2014, Prof. Hafezi was voted by peers onto the “PowerList”, a biennial list of the 100 most influential international personalities in ophthalmology. Since 2016, Hafezi was continuously voted onto the PowerList
For more information, see here.
Dr. Sabine Kling is a research scientist. She holds a MSc and PhD in Visual Sciences from the University of Valladolid in Spain, and a Dipl-Ing (FH) in Physical Engineering from the University of Isny in Germany.
Léonard Kollros was born in Biel, with French as his mother tongue.
CXL at the slit lamp may provide access to all. Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Europe April 2017: ELZA member and EMAGine CEO Nikki Hafezi describes
ESCRS (European Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery) Copenhagen The Geneva University Spin-off company EMAGine will present the C-Eye device. This mobile cross-linking technology will
Cross-Linking in Down Syndrome: Interview with Nikki Hafezi. The National Keratoconus Foundation in the US highlights the work of the ELZA member Nikki Hafezi and the
The Ophthalmologist. Cover story about the Light for Sight foundation and its efforts to bring CXL therapy to a young patient with keratoconus from Tajikistan.
Ocular Surgery News Europe. Editorial on the OSN Roundtable discussion, written by Farhad and Nikki Hafezi from ELZA in Switzerland. Read the editorial here. Read
European Ophthalmic Review. Epi-on or epi-off? Accelerated or not? A review from Nikki Hafezi and Farhad Hafezi on the current state of the art for
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